Monday, March 10, 2008

Only in America~

Last year, Bukhari convinced his entire class to dress up as “Muslims”. “It scared the hell out of the faculty that’s for sure” said an anonymous Grade 3 student. Several children in the class embraced Islam as a result after experiencing how fun it is being a Muslim and not being Freddy Kreuger or a fairy princess for a change.

Bukhari’s parents have also been notorious for their bizarre antics during Halloween. Khalid Bukhari, 41, says, “We like to hide Hadith reminders in the wrappers of the candy we give out so they know more about Islam” It was reported that 8 children were hospitalized for eating their Hadith reminders, not realizing they were inedible. “It seems their stomachs are daeef (weak)” joked Mr. Bukhari.

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