Monday, March 31, 2008

The best book you will ever read

The Prophet Mohammed (may peace be upon him) said:
'When a man dies and his relatives are busy in funeral, there stands an extremely handsome man by his head. When the dead body is shrouded, that man gets in between the shroud and the chest of the deceased.

After the burial, the people return home, 2 angels, Munkar and Nakeer (names of two special Angels), enter the grave and try to separate the handsome man from the body so that they may be able to interrogate the dead man in privacy.
The handsome man says,
'He is my companion, he is my friend. I will not leave him alone in any case. If you are appointed for interrogation, do your job. I cannot leave him until I get him admitted into Paradise '.
Thereafter he turns to his dead companion and says,

'I am the Qur'an, which you used to read, sometimes in a loud voice and sometimes in a low voice. Do not worry. After the interrogation of Munkar and Naker, you will have no grief.'

When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges for him from Al-Mala'ul A'laa (the angels in Heaven) silk bedding filled with musk.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
'On the Day of Judgement, before Allah, no other Intercessor will have a greater status than the Qur'an, neither a Prophet nor an angel.'


You want to know what my natural hair colour is, I'll give you four guesses...


Friday, March 28, 2008

Chapter:116, Verse:12

"Doomed art thou of whom their possession's wheels beside them in form that is carry-able, verily those are the disliked by the righteous. 12:16"

Gaza a concentration camp in all but name

The Muslims sleep, deaf to the Palestinians’ plea. A mother weeps, as Gaza bleeds.


I never did get his name

He was French.
He was currently residing in Dorking, which he liked, contrary to Sheffield and Southampton.
He knew a person who was charged 75p a text from England to wales
He disagreed it was a different country.
He uses Cd's as mirrors
He enjoys cycling, however he was not doing so on his trip to Windsor.
He worked as a night security officer, and the hour in which he started work was the worst of them all.
He believed that the English could look after themselves, when they weren't busy drinking.
He had a dog, she died 2 years ago.
He then discovered himself as a 'Dog Whisperer'.
He took 45 minutes max to rehabilitate a dog.
He took 3 weeks to re-train a human.
He told me I could find him at someplace in Boxhill.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


OK............breath in,breath out....and.. 1,2, bahh, bahhh 3, 4, 5 bah!!!!!

....and about 30 bouncing white fluffy tails later and 45 minutes and I'm still awake!
where did that counting sheep thing come from anyway!

I had tried almost every technique, open the window, eat a banana, flip to the cooler side of the pillow and finally, with a fight, recking and ransacking through every bits and bobs draw in the house (of which there are many) I search for my sleeping pills.

After trawling the flight of stairs in my house several times, each time remembering another possible 'hidey' place for them I look in the last nook that wasn't already searched!, success the familiar blue packaged friend stares me empatheticaly in the eyes.

With a gulp of yesterdays water that had been sat on my radiator over night I swallow the gem like an awaited hit on a glass pipe.

Back to the waiting game, each second heightening my senses to feel the effects seeping into my blood, each minute telling myself I felt different, and in the hour pleading for mercy it happened.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

20th Century theft!!






Robbing the Robber!

So, 2 in the morning, Bayswater, it's not as if shady characters are few and far between and there he was in the darkness huddled into a corner. I walk, I laugh, I'm hungry and the hullabaloo begins. I turn around and there I see the figure running franticly towards us.
Stop He's got my phone
arms spread I stand in his way awaiting his embrace. It did nothing to deter the tyrant and my grip loosened on his faux leather Jacket as he grappled away from me....
Stop him Stop him!

Bang! toe connects with B*l*s, the look of confusion didn't soften the blow.

within arms reach now I loose my enthusiasm as he zips away and leave it to the male ego to finish my efforts.

I have the phone
My inner-magpie spotted it!
alas, it's not the sort after prize, it is the robbers!


Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Just met Sam Roddick (daughter of the former owner of body shop) owner of 'Coco De Mar', who is heavily involved in NGO stuffs so I told her about some of my ideas and she gave me a great contact who could help me out when the time comes! so maybe it's not so whimsical.Photobucket

Monday, March 17, 2008


People' always telling me don't bite the hand that feeds me,
I feel the pain although emotions tend to leave me
I've gone deaf to your plea for you no more I'll grieve,
grieve for me cos' no longer to you am I week,

I dream about it, thinking now, nearly everyday,
waking up and being free with you off my case,
no criticism
to ignore or pointless rules to break,
the void of you completes my life in almost every way

I feel his finger tips strumming the darker side of my guitar,
the concrete jungle drowning me in my sin,
the scream that it makes, makes my head spin,
then he said.....
'La illaha Il'Allah'

Saturday, March 15, 2008

'A guy walks in to a doctors and sais -doctor doctor...'

Jessi: It's a good job that I'm not a doctor!
Dr Rogers: Why is that, because you might drop the knife?
Jessi: Exactly
Dr Rogers: the worst thing to be said in an operating theatre is 'whoops!'


If anyone has any tips on good time keeping please let me know, because I am terrible and it's a fault that I hate in myself!Photobucket

Friday, March 14, 2008

When I was young

"Today class, I want you all to think about what you want to be when you're older!"
"I want to be a princess!"
"I want to be a fireman"
"Leon, what do you want to be when you're older?"
"I want to be a bus driver, and I have already memorised the route for the 22 and the 295!"
"And what about you Jessi what would you like to be when you're older?"
"ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." palm's sweating, all eyes on me, I take in a deep breath hold it....hold it...and with a long sigh out...
..."I don't know?"

I never did not at 6 years old and not at 20 and I still don't now.
I always admired the kids in my class like Leon Smith, granted, a bus driver isn't an ambition by today's standards, but jobs like that were the makers of the real hero's of 'yester-year'. When things as little as driving a bus seamed full of wonder, instead of the realisations of today such as sweaty armpits, and multiple failing traffic lights. Maybe it was the idea of travel that led us to believe of it being an exciting job because you only usually went as far as your mum would take you which was either a trip to Sainsburys or the school run.
And yet today, not even flying a jumbo jet would lead me to thinking of a career.

"you have always lacked direction" my mum would say, maybe this is true the only time in my life I have felt sure of anything was when I discovered Islam (Al'hamdulilah) and even that took some personal battles to overcome.
So, here I am approaching 23 the age that I used to think I would be driving hover cars or we would discover Aliens and all I've discovered is global warming, war and famine.
Well, there is always Egypt now but that has only been a goal of mine for the last 6 months and I never believe something until the money has paid for it (ode to the consumer in me). I'm scared, scared of never having a clue, scared of never doing anything about my whimsical ideas such as 'Charity event organising' or 'Foreign news corresponding'. What after Egypt I have no idea! I guess I'm just waiting for some kind of added spiritual enlightenment or some sort of self-realisation miracle.
I am not big headed I have just always felt like I was destined for something great. Mohammed (saaws) was 63 when he received his prophecy but I'm not waiting to save the world just to save myself.Photobucket

Thursday, March 13, 2008


How is it possible to find something without looking, but having the same feeling of relief and excitement that you get when you have accomplished a find?
My mind is buzzing of all it's vocabulary in extasy and arrousal and my toungue drips heavy with antisepated dialogue and all I can write is this? and all I can think is; "I hate this font".

"GET OFF OF ME!" I scream it like a mantra in my head, but who am I speaking to?

All this after reading my words reflected through someone Else's life, stylised to there woes all the while mimicking my struggle and strangely mirroring my memories.

And now the book is open, my head is unblocked, I can't have found what I'm looking for? or have I? when do I stop and accept it? when do I jump from my pedestal and accept that not every1 is perfect. How can I have fell into the despicable cliche of waiting for a 'knight in shining armour', I can't even say it (gulp)~MY 'knight in shining armour'!~ why does that repulse me?....
....because 'I don't need saving I can save myself' I think to myself in naivety and arrogance, because lets face it I haven't done such a good job of that so far and even after finding God you would think that I could humble myself as much to know that at least.

Its funny you forget about the times you question yourself over and over again about insignificant things said in passing that your determined to see things in, some sort of hidden message, it's funny when you think that your not 14 any more but you are still the same hopeful little girl even after so much disappointment and realisations. Funny I wonder if this is 'the one', when I have had plenty of opportunities to figure it out.

??????वही कैन'टी इ राइट इन ENGLISH

इ हवे सोमेथिंग इम्पोर्तंत टू से वही दोएस थिस कीप व्रितिंग इन हिन्दी

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Some up-comming events for you all around London, let me know in the comments if you need more info

Monday, March 10, 2008


So, the main thing that spurred me on to do a blog was facebook.

I get the usefulness of it and like the 'almost' set up of holding a running commentary on your life but it became so blonde and empty! With all these people that I thought I had got rid of finding me, adding me and then, as a result being emailed every 5 minutes because Sharon or Tracy had changed there status from "pregnant for the 3rd time" to "mash-up at -some club-".

Hamzah Moin, Creator of 'Maniac Muslim' describes some of the other ridiculous points to facebook best on his site, which reading has become some what of a Monday morning pick-up for me. The above pic is taken from his article 'Annoying Stalker Brothers'.

Only in America~

Last year, Bukhari convinced his entire class to dress up as “Muslims”. “It scared the hell out of the faculty that’s for sure” said an anonymous Grade 3 student. Several children in the class embraced Islam as a result after experiencing how fun it is being a Muslim and not being Freddy Kreuger or a fairy princess for a change.

Bukhari’s parents have also been notorious for their bizarre antics during Halloween. Khalid Bukhari, 41, says, “We like to hide Hadith reminders in the wrappers of the candy we give out so they know more about Islam” It was reported that 8 children were hospitalized for eating their Hadith reminders, not realizing they were inedible. “It seems their stomachs are daeef (weak)” joked Mr. Bukhari.

Bismillahi Rahmanir Raheem

mabrook Mary and Shakir

Catholic refresher!

How nice it was to see the catholic faith declare an update to it's over-view of harram and halal. Although if they looked at Islam they would see that this had already been done and so! by accepting the fact there God had already done this by sending the Quran some thousands of years ago. However it would be nice to see things like pollution and excessive wealth looked upon more seriously within the grand scheme of things. At least they are making that effort!

Friday, March 7, 2008

style="border: solid 1px black; width: 300px; height: 300px;" frameborder="0"


You are right this is definitely not


I have just been informed from reliable sources that the school that was attacked upon was for pre-soldiers of the Israeli army! yea, I wondered too how it was weired to have a school for 18-30 year old men only!

Gunman kills 8 in jerusalem attack!

Bismillah, may god except them into Jenna with mercy.

SO with that being said.......

I feel Sympathy I do really, but you have to take it into perspective that these people are being starved and the only one they can reach for retaliation of making a point is other civilians.
Al-Hamdulilah (praise to God) I have never been in such a situation where the only ammunition I have is my own body for sacrificing, and I can't even begin to imagine what I would do if that were the case. My prayers are with the culprit of this brutal attack so that Allah may forgive him of his plight for freedom!


The title of the article in the Metro was 'Gunman kills 8 in Jerusalem attack!'

but what about the last lines of the article

"Last week, Israeli forces launched a raid into northern Gaza in which more than 120 Palestinians – including many civilians – were killed."


And if you can't here's the stats to help you;


1 Israeli for
every 4 Palestinians were killed


1 Israeli for
every 30 Palestinians killed


1 Israeli for EVERY 40

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Well said;

Some days your the pigeon
Some days your the Statue

Loves young dream!

What is it with idiots in Y?

You get those couples who are so wrong for each other, that even they know it, you know it and everybody that knows them knows it.

Then, 1 day they announce that they're getting marrieds This puzzles you, although you are not surprised, because for the past 2,3,4 (or however many years) you've O nothing but incessant moaning, complaining and whining (as justified as it might be) about thier partner. You may have been out somewhere with them and felt the pang of embarrassment as they quibble over anything and everything and your probably the person who's the most stressed in this tri-lationship because you are the only one who can't do a thing about it.
And while they're engaged nothing changes and so you present them with the question.
"But I don't understand! why marry thems"
..and they say;
"Because.........I Y them"
Bang! like humpty dumpty your respect for them comes tumbling down!
Don't these people know that love boils down to nothing in marriage so that all your left with are two people that hate each other and constantly reminisce on the 'what could have beens' of the past.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Seumes Milne

Of course! .....

....I am aware of the Gaza crisis and the ongoing battlements between Palestine and Isreal AND thats about as far as my knowledge go's.

This is due to the fact that before I became biased with a religious point of view (i.e in my aethiest days), I had heard tons of conspiracys of such like as to why and what was the cause and reason. Which, back then was enough for me to brush it from my shoulder as another world crisis that I could do nothing about.
And even now that my social factors have changed I have selfishly tried to stay as seperated from it all as possible.
....Because'WHAT CAN I DO!!!!!!'
....Then yesterday I read this article as prompted by someone at work,
and now....

....There has to be something 'WE CAN DO!!!!!'

check the link below...


'Like a Mynah bird in your hands, slacken your grip and it flies away'

Khaled Hosseini, ' A thousand splendid suns'