Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Maslow's concept 1943

I am not a stranger to the mantra of the mid 90's that is; 'Self Actualisation', an after thought of the escapist attitudes left over from the aftermath of the 70's and 80's Ecstasy and cocaine generation, leading to unmotivated family dynamics or so 'they said' amongst us, the working class the once thought of 'backbone of Britain'.

My strongest recollection of education is remembered not from school but in a mis-shapen youth club where our lessons of respect acceptance and personal strength were at an abundance.
And sometimes by doing so this seemed to have had a devastating effect of reverse-psychological self fulfilling prophecy's where the rich stayed rich and the poor stayed oblivious, but then again there's just no helping some people lol.
Although, the encouragement from my council appropriated mentors didn't always fall on deaf ears. But, I guess the belief that someones environment and social conditions play a fundamental role in motivating an individual towards self growth isn't too far from the truth.


Islam seemed to be the one 'theory' that didn't need a pie chart graph or diagram to understand and or take effect, it's equation is quite simple.

Islam has a two-fold meaning;

  • submission to god
  • peace

-Peace attained through willing obedience to Allah's divine guidance.

And therefore a Muslim is;

-one who surrenders to God and is a sustainer of peace.

Alternatively one can dissect themselves through theory's such as Maslow's concept of 'Self-Actualisation'

or submit to God and have a simpler life...

if only!

with thanks to MK, without whom I would never had ponderd upon the term 'self -actualization' haha

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