Thursday, February 17, 2011


Once you get over your shock, and you open your mind and drop your own prejudices, I hope that you find this protest to be what it is, a freedom of speech.

These ladies retaliated to the ban on niqab and hijab in France by producing this protest of their own. You may not like it but they certainly have a point.

By mixing the sacred with the profane they illustrate the ridicule we bring ourselves by placing such importance on fabric. Yes! I wear the hijab! but I wear it for my own reasons that are largely assosciated with religious ones but that is neither here nor there. One of the reasons I wear it and keep it is because I feel that I should be free to wear what I want in as much of an abundance as I like or as little for that matter.

Maybe it is the boom of the fashion industry that have ours and other western societies so obsessed with outward appearence, I don't know.

Some people hate these woman for what they did, and I'm sure the majority of which were muslim! can you believe it!!!!!! muslims! like me, asking for the right and freedom to wear what pleases them and yet tearing these women down for exorcising the same right- ok sure they were doing it purely for provocation - but as long as we want freedom of speach then we will have to listen to a whole lot of things that we don't necesarily like or want to hear and we shouldn't complain whilst doing so either.

The message is clear! freedom for all and hipocracy for none, its just a shame that they had to walk in the shoes of those they are trying to reach out to... NO I don't mean muslims, I mean hypocrites.

Think what you will, I commend them and I'm proud to do so


Sy said...

thats so interesting. I really like your blog. I'm working as a PR intern for a interfaith organisation, theres a project in the works at the moment which you might be interested in called 'modesty week'. Lauren Booth is involved in it.


Confessions from a convert said...

Thanks for dropping by Sy, I don't often get the time to blog about anything with meaning these days as I'm doing a theology degree but I have this catharsistic tie with my blog that always brings me back. With my degree in mind and general interests why don't you email me some more details about 'modesty week' or you can reply on here its up to you.

Take care,

It's always nice to know there are others with similar interests.
