Sunday, October 24, 2010

You know how......

You know how when your feeling ill, you know that if you could just throw up you'd feel miles better.....

And, you know how sometimes before u sneeze you have that lingering itchy feeling that's impossible to scratch and your forever feeling like your about to do it, your about to sneeze which would stop all the aggravation and feel great!........

Just like, you know when your hurting so badly, whether it justified or not, its a feeling, and you own that feeling, like when you realise that you've truly understood the meaning of heartache because truly, you're heart does ache, boy does it ache. Your eyes fill up, you're vision is blurred the pain intensifies and you know that if you could just have a good old cry- you might, by the mercy of Allah feel a little bit better........

.......But, you can't...... And so, you don't.

You know'
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乇丂尺ム said...
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Confessions from a convert said...

I wish you all the best in life inshallah may gods grace forever shine upon you and your loved ones. Look after those that are close to you and always demand the same in return salam

乇丂尺ム said...
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